Why isn’t there an app for that?

-I was thinking about that word: anti-semite. In-order for there to be an anti-semite, you need to have a semite first. Thinking about semite has me thinking about it like the phrase “indoor cat”. Strictly from an evolutionary perspective, before humans started imprisoning their pets in their bite-sized homes, weren’t all “indoor cats,” outdoors? I like to think at one point they were all just cats. Humans seem to be the cause for that segregation as well. 

So I googled what the word Semite even means. It was rather fascinating to find that the word Semite can be used for many other region of cultures, not just the Jews. The word Semite is just a fancy way to say someone who speaks the Semitic language. In that case, that is alot of people. 


I went to this fancy national library site and it talks about how these people have existed around 4500-7000 YBP. So I had to google WTF was YBP. Year Before Present. Basically, its a fancy-science-non Jesus believing-mathematical-data accurate way of saying B.C. It’s kind of sad and funny to think that these people have been persecuted for believing what they believe their entire existence. Sad, but funny. 

Never have I ever believed in Santa Claus. I had a hard time trusting any adult growing up, let alone some creepy old dude named Saint Nick. I remember this girl in the second grade outed Santa to us in class. She told all of us that Santa wasn’t real. I knew Santa wasn’t real, but I couldn’t believe she was whistleblowing like that. It was intense that day, lots of my classmates called her crazy. I never thought she was crazy. It never made sense to me either. How is this fat guy supposed to slide down a chimney when the Aborigines aren’t exactly singing yule-tides’s while leaving cookies and milk out. Hard sell in my opinion. 

Either way, the class went to war with her. She disappeared during grade 5. Reindeer Gate

Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the onyx stone are there. And the name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. And the name of the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria. And the fourth is the Euphrates. Then the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.” (10-17)

-I wonder why a magician never reveals his secret? Ol’ Gabe says the Bible is just a book of fairytales and magic. I read harry potter. I know what magic is. EXSPELLIAMUS! Something like that. Point and Poof! 

Anyways, I asked Gabe why he doesn’t believe in magic, and he told me that because things don’t just magically happen. I agree with Gabe. Gabe is a smart dude. Gabe and I got caught up in the gist of things. Gabe was telling me all about everything. Gabe told me that since he graduated with his masters in chemistry he had a fundamental understanding of the universe. I guess the rest of us are deemed unintelligible.

Gabe proceeded to tell me all about the Jimmy neutrons and electrons of the world. Apparently we are all just a melting-pot of cells that have evolved over billions of years. How cool is that, we get to experience life as a human. I told that to Gabe too. I said, “Gabe, that’s pretty cool, we lucked out!” Gabe said I was looking at it all wrong. Gabe told me that there is no such thing as luck and that it is just chance instead. Either way, ordering food straight to my door with the click of a button seems like magic.